Meet the New Dynamic Duo of Car Smarts
Are cars today really that complicated? Yes, and no. Some of what you learned in the driveway still applies. Other stuff, you learn on the road—hopefully not the side of the road. That’s why we pulled together two super smart, super dependable pros to show you everything they know about keeping today’s cars running. Even if you drive 120 miles a day and still can’t find the dipstick, no worries. You got this. Get the new rules of car maintenance with Charles “The Humble Mechanic” Sanville and Rich “The Rogue Mechanic” Benoit.
Humble and Rogue: The New Dynamic Duo of Car Smarts
Charles Sanville, aka The Humble Mechanic, is consistently named one of the top most-trusted YouTube mechanics on the web — by experts and DIYers alike. The media dubbed Rich Benoit The Rogue Mechanic for taking apart and rebuilding abandoned electric vehicles for his media channel Rich Rebuilds. That’s how he built his expertise and his crowdfunded EV shop over the last 15 years: one battery jump at a time.

The Why Behind Every How-To
Your mechanic can show you how to fix it, but Charles and Rich will tell you why, and what you need to know, before you go.