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Toyota Highlander Battery

It's an undeniable fact that nearly 25% of the cars on the road need a new battery. That's why it's crucial to have your Toyota Highlander battery tested regularly—or every six months. And we can always provide you with a new Highlander battery, should you need one.

Possible Car Battery Matches for Your Toyota Highlander

Find the Exact Car Battery for Your Toyota Highlander

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Get the Most Out of Your Toyota Highlander Battery

Battery Warning Signs

Does your Toyota Highlander battery feel like it lacks power or might fail on you? Some common issues that may cause your Highlander battery to lose power or die include:
  • Corroded battery or loose cables
  • Consistent electrical drain
  • Problems charging
  • Car demands more power than available
  • Severe weather extremes
If you are unsure about the state of your Toyota Highlander battery, contact one of our battery experts today. We're always glad to help you identify your battery problems and offer replacement options if needed.

How Long Will My Toyota Highlander Battery Last?

Three to five years is the average life of a car battery. But there are a variety of things that can impact your Toyota Highlander’s battery life, including temperature extremes, high electrical use and drive time.

You can make the most of your Toyota Highlander battery life by:
  • Shutting off electronics and plug-in devices when the engine is off
  • Driving for at least 30 minutes weekly—preferably at highway speeds—to maintain your battery charge
  • Ensuring your battery terminals are free of corrosion and cables are secure quarterly
  • Getting your Toyota Highlander battery tested every six months if it is more than three years old

Evaluating and Replacing a Battery

When do I need to replace my Toyota Highlander battery?
Car batteries last three to five years, as discussed earlier, depending on your local climate and how you drive your car. If you are having any concerns about the health of your Highlander battery, be sure and keep an eye out for these standard warning signs:
  • Témoin d’alerte de la batterie
  • Démarrage difficile du moteur
  • Phares ou éclairage intérieur atténués
And if you do experience any of these conditions with your Toyota Highlander battery, look to our location finder to find the Highlander battery pro nearest you, or get familiar with our how-to videos now.

Committed to Battery Safety

Like always, we are dedicated to your safety on the go, so reach out when you need that routine battery test or are ready for a new Toyota Highlander battery.

Toyota Highlander Battery By Year

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